Can you invest your time to help make our goals a reality through volunteering?
Would you like to make a donation to CARS and its RESTORE programs?
Your First 30 Days–GO TO JESUS
Are you tired? Worn out?… Jesus Christ told those who were done with “life as usual”, “Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely.” ~ Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:28-30 MESSAGE)
During your first 30 days in our RESTORE homes our trained staff and volunteers will show each student the love of Christ in ways many have never experienced. Each student’s needs are unique. Our staff will take the time to determine individual student needs so that complete restoration can be realized. We desire that each student leave a CARS home physically healthy, mentally alert, and spiritually whole.
Your Next 90 Days–GO DEEP
“We cannot become what we need by remaining what we are.” ~ John Maxwell
In the GO DEEP phase of restoration, our students begin to explore the root issues leading to addiction. Our faith-based restoration approach builds on teaching biblical principles through group studies, personal studies and individual mentoring. We help our students uncover destructive thought and behavior patterns that keep them in an addiction lifestyle. We help them replace old perspectives, beliefs, and convictions with new truth-filled ones. A new way to think about oneself, God, and life helps our students maintain a life free from the enslavement of drugs and alcohol.
Beyond 120 Days–GO WIDE
“You will never influence the world by trying to be like it.” ~ Anonymous
We want to help our students stand in victory when they leave our program. This requires students’ mastery in how to apply what they learn to real world relationships and circumstances. We believe that today’s restored are tomorrow’s restorationists. We call our amazing 6-9-month phase GO WIDE. Our students will grow in core competencies through personal counseling and mentoring. Specific tools learned will empower students with the life skills needed to accomplish future goals in relationships, marriages, finances, parenting, and work. During this phase students will be offered employment in a real world vocational program. This develops useful real work experience, preparing them for their future.
“Today’s Restored are Tomorrow’s Restorationists.” ~ Mark Jenkins
As students near the end of our program trained volunteers will help students complete budgeting classes, prepare a resume, find employment, find accountability partners and mentors, choose a local church, and create a “Re-entry Back to Family” Plan. Our achieved goal creates students independent of CARS and mentors. Students leave our RESTORE homes physically healed, spiritually alive and no longer a drain on the court system. We call them R3 Graduates–Our students will GO HOME knowing how to RENOUNCE old ties, RESTORE family relationships and RESOLVE to walk drugs/alcohol free in the power of Jesus Christ.
What’s Available Today to Encourage Individuals Toward Sober and Drug Free Christian Living?
The vision for Restore comes from a desire to provide meaningful support to those affected by addictions and the family members that walk alongside them.
People are looking for real answers and solutions to the alcohol and drug abuse that has reached epidemic levels in our communities. Drug and alcohol abuse rob people and families of the true life that God intends for them.
Restore is a Christ-centered support group influenced by “The Twelve Steps–A Spiritual Journey” and focused on helping people find those real answers and solutions. It is a spiritual but not religious program experienced through facilitated group discussions and personal testimonies. God makes Himself known to us and with knowing God comes FREEDOM.
There is no charge to join these support groups. The only thing required is a desire to experience the restoration God wants for you and a willingness to encourage the same for others.
All are welcome to come! Our groups are filled with those struggling with addictions and their support system.
RESTORE Culpeper
Mountain View Community Church
16088 Rogers Road, Culpeper, VA 22701
[Door #3]
MONDAYS: 7:00-8:00 PM
Contact: 540-445-1733
Rapidan Baptist Church
150 Rapidan Church Lane
Madison, VA 22727
THURSDAYS: 7:00-8:00 PM
Contact: Paul at 540-727-4049
RESTORE Rappahannock
Reynolds Memorial Baptist Church
3748 Sperryville Pike
Sperryville, VA 22740
THURSDAYS: 7:00-8:00 PM
Contact: Greg at 540-660-2729
RESTORE Fauquier
The Bridge Community Church
Connection Center
8774 James Madison Hwy.
Warrenton, VA 20186
FRIDAYS: 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Childcare Available